Arbor Day 2019

Everyday is Arbor Day for ReLeaf, and when 35 students got off the bus wearing green tee shirts it was clear that this was to be a special day. Children from all the public housing projects in Greenville and a scout troop from Kinston came to River Park North to hear a proclamation from the mayor read, learn what a Forest Ranger does from day to day, hear about the origins of Arbor Day , see a special Tree City flag presented with 30 years printed on it, and best of all learn about trees from Dr. Carol Goodwillie. The pizza was pretty good too, but it was nowhere near as much fun as taking a nature walk to see the trees in the park and to learn about them and to plant three new live oaks.

This celebration was all about children learning more about the trees around them. These students may not be headed to the Magic Kingdom this summer , but they can learn about the magic of the world that surrounds them here at home – Starting with trees.

Hunt McKinnon
President Re Leaf

Read an essay by 5th Grader Jamey Hall!